
Saturday, April 27, 2013

Action Planning Template
Goal:  Does problem based learning increase student engagement in the classroom resulting in increased standardized testing scores?
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Meet with site supervisor to discuss action research topic problem based learning.

Site supervisor:  Kathy Morrison
April 2013
Questions for site supervisor
Supervisor read research question from my week 3 assignment and approved my topic
Collect  standardized testing scores from pbl campus and non pbl campus

Assistant principal:  Tangy Stith
April/May 2013
STAAR scores from pbl/non pbl campuses
Evaluate STAAR scores
Choose specific classrooms from each grade level for STAAR score evaluations (pbl campus and non pbl campus)

Myself; teachers of specific classrooms
April/May 2013
STAAR scores
Speak with specific teachers about engagement and testing results
Attend Problem Based Learning Coaching Academy

District employees
Engage2Learn staff
May 2013
Engage2Learn website and resources
Evaluate training and analyze new learnings on pbl campuses
Research problem based learning in the classroom
PBL Coaching staff
June/July 2013
PBL internet findings
Engage2Learn resources
Evaluate research findings
Coach non PBL campuses on the implementation of PBL in the classroom and interview selected 3-5 teachers
PBL Coaching staff
August-December 2013
Engage2Learn staff and resources
Non PBL campuses
Interview 3-5 non PBL teachers on student engagement and test scores
Interview PBL campus teachers
Selected PBL teachers
August-October 2013
Interview questions for PBL teachers
Analyze interview questions from PBL teachers
Continue attending PBL coaching trainings
PBL Coaching staff
Engage2Learn staff
August 2013-May 2014
Engage2Learn staff and resources
Evaluate training and analyze new learnings on pbl campuses
Continue coaching the implementation of PBL
Follow up interview same teachers on as before on student engagement
PBL Coaching staff
New PBL campuses
January-May 2014
Enage2Learn staff and resources
Evaluate follow up interview from teachers
Compile research findings, interview questions, and tests scores
April 2014
Interview questions and evaluations
STAAR scores
Research findings
Create a type of comparison chart for scores, interviews from teachers comparing PBL teachers to non PBL teachers

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Week 2 Action Research Reflection

I feel really good about this week's work.  I enjoyed listening to the interviews and feel I gained great knowledge from them.  I also feel very successful about my action research discussion with my site supervisor.   The following is a short reflection on my action research topic ideas.

My three topics I considered for my action research plan were:  problem based learning, attendance, and parent communication. 
I spoke with my site supervisor (my principal) about these topics.  She agreed that all three of these topics would be good for an action research plan.  We talked about each topic and how it connects to our campus and what our biggest issues and concerns are.  We also discussed what major things are happening on our campus.
We decided that the topic of problem based learning would be the best topic for my action research plan.  PBL is our campus curriculum and I am a district coach for PBL.  As a coach I will be receiving training on how to implement PBL in other schools across the district so I will be doing lots of research on PBL. My site supervisor believes that this will be an excellent topic for action research and that as a coach I will become an expert on the topic.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

How Educational Leaders Can Use Blogs

There are many different ways that educational leaders can use blogs.  One way is to communicate with all school stakeholders.  The school could have a blog and community members and parents could follow it.  It would give everyone the opportunity to not only know what is going on at the school but also give feedback and suggestions for improvement or ideas.  Another way an educational leader can use a blog is to communicate and share ideas with other educational leaders.  Many times I just need an idea to get started on a project or plan.  If I could communicate with others in my field I could get ideas from them.  Blogs could be used to communicate as a school.  It could be place for staff members to place projects, ideas, things going on in the classroom.  I feel that blogs can be very beneficial and rewarding for those involved.
Action Research Reflection

After reading the assigned readings and participating in the discussion questions I feel that I now have a better understanding of action research.  When I first heard the term, I really had no idea what it was.  In fact, it was a little scary!! 
I now feel much more comfortable with what action research is and what it means.  To me action research is more than just looking up information.  It is actually studying and analyzing what you are researching.  I feel action research gives you the opportunity to experience your topic and be a part of it, live it.  Participating in action research can help you grow as a professional in your craft and also personally by allowing you to look inside what you are researching.  A lot of times when I am researching a topic, I don't feel connected to that topic, but with action research I choose what I am curious about or what I feel needs improvement or more work.  Action research will allow me to truly engage myself in my topic because I am living it and want to see the change or improvement in my campus or district. 
I feel there are many ways to use action research.  It can be used to improve things on your campus, such as student attendance, parent/community involvement, parent communication, and student engagement. 
The way I plan to use action research is on problem based learning.  My current campus has pbl curriculum.  It is an elementary campus and the only one in the district currently implementing pbl.  The district would like to implement pbl on more campuses within the next year.  I am a pbl coach for the district and I have the task of coaching campus teachers on implementation of pbl.  We will have to research the benefits of pbl and its impact on student engagement and test scores.  I feel that this is a great topic for action research.  It lends itself to improving student engagement as well as potential rising test scores.